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Prescription Pad Printing in California, Florida, New Jersey and More

Prescription pad printing is not just a slap-together project. The states of California, Florida, New Jersey, as well as several others all have their own unique requirements for the prescription pads that medical professionals use. These requirements are designed to help curb the abuse of these special notes while providing for accountability as well as security that the receiving business filling the prescription can count on as real and legitimate. Park Press Printers handles all of these different requirements and can do the same for many states. Talk with their team to learn how they can help to ensure that you have the right information on any prescription pads that you might have them print.

Security Measures on Prescription Pads

Prescription Pad Printing in California, Florida, New Jersey and MoreFor all of the prescription pads that Park Press Printers creates, there are a number of security measures that help to ensure that prescriptions are legitimately issued by the provider. Microprinting is used in the Border Line on each sheet, there is a security watermark that is on the back of each sheet, the prescriber information is preprinted on each sheet, plus several other security measures. These are all used for prescription pads that are printed for professionals in the states of California, Florida, and New Jersey, among others. These prescription pads also are compliant with the 2008 requirement for the use of tamper-resistant pads for the Medicaid program.

Many States Use Park Press Printers

Medical professionals in many states have realized that Park Press Printers is the best option to get their prescription pads from… whether that includes a state seal, specific sizes, or other unique requirements. These prescription pads can feature consecutive numbering or they don’t have to number at all. Their prescription pads are also Medicaid compliant, so you can trust that you will not have issues with the governmental agency.

Several additional states have their unique requirements, and professionals choose to have Park Press Printers print their prescription pads because Park Press Printers has proven that they will provide the best quality and security measures. Call today to learn what Park Press Printers can do for you.


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