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Eco-Friendly Packaging & Eco Friendly Boxes

In this day and age, it is becoming more and more vital that we take steps to protect our environment. As technology grows we need to make sure that we reduce our carbon footprint. Therefore nature sustainability is important. Coming from the perspective of a paper company, we see how easy it is to produce a lot of waste. That is why we have decided to provide customers with eco-friendly packaging. The modern packaging industry is well aware of the need for sustainability and that’s why it is acting on the good ole four R’s rule: reduce, reuse, recycle and reproduce. Made of recycled material these eco-friendly boxes can be reused multiple times. Soy-based ink and aqueous coatings are excellent options for embellishing the boxes without compromising over quality and standard.

Get eco-friendly boxes and packaging today!

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Custom Boxes come in two ways:

  • Pre-made – Boxes will be shipped to the client already made.
  • Custom – Custom boxes come flat and will need to be assembled by the client. (Park Press Printers will assemble upon request)



We have tons of templates to help you design your perfect project. If you don’t see a template for what you need below, we can custom make one for you. Just email us at